
“I loved this novel; many times, finding myself lost in the characters’ lives. Orv Cullen did a fantastic job with character and plot development, and an unpredictable story.  Bravo!” 

–Ann Jeffries, Author of the Family Reunion—
In the Wisdom of the Ancestors Series

No Gentle Rain is set in the new state of Wisconsin after the end of the Civil War, known as the Great Rebellion in the North. When America’s Second Industrial Revolution is in full swing, a successful German brewer will do anything to gain the title Beer Baron for his only son, Jakob.

However, Jakob’s selfish actions decide the destiny of Ania, an innocent Polish immigrant. Although beaten down by circumstances, Ania finds the strength to take matters into her own hands while Jakob, despite great wealth and a marriage, finds no happiness.

The days of bordellos and prostitution running rampant in Milwaukee are the backdrop of this story. In the late 1800s, women had no voice or any decision-making abilities and were treated more like property than individuals. People take advantage of others in many different ways. It is up to us to find the strength to struggle and thrive.